
jeudi 16 janvier 2014

Appeal Bummer: Conrad Murray Will Have to Live With MJ Conviction; Plus His Options

Looks like Conrad Murray will definitely spend the rest of his life with a dark cloud over his head. The disgraced physician thought he had proper evidence to clear his conviction for the death of Michael Jackson, but a three-judge panel at California's Court of Appeal thought differently after ruling unanimously to uphold the previous ruling. The ruling states: “Murray's callous disregard for Mr. Jackson's health and safety was shown throughout the trial from the manner in which he administered a number of dangerous drugs to Mr. Jackson without the appropriate medical equipment, precautions or personnel in place, and to the manner in which he left Mr. Jackson unattended.” “The evidence demonstrated that Mr. Jackson was a vulnerable victim and that [Murray] was in a position of trust, and that [Murray] violated the trust relationship by breaching standards of professional conduct in numerous respects.” The judges also rejected Murrays claims that the presiding judge excluded jurors from hearing key evidence. Murray was released from prison last October after serving two years of his four-year sentence. If Murray would of won his appeal, it would have given him the momentum needed to help reinstate his medical license. Now that this is dead in the waters, he can probably try the below professions. Move to another country and continue his less-than-exemplary medical practices (not recommended.) Become a salesperson for a pharmaceutical supply company Get a “desk job” that requires some medical background Take up professional Wrestling (possible) Start a non-profit organization to help bring back a bit of decorum to his name.


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